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WEBINAR: The Profession of Audiology: Data, Concerns, Opportunities | September 11, 2024

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET | .1 ASHA CEUs


At the turn on the century, the audiology profession changed the educational requirement from the clinial master's degree to the clinical doctorate degree. Now, two decades later, has there been an impact on the profession attribributle to the change in degree requirement? This webinar provides learners with a data-based perspective of audiology with a focus on education and employment. Past trends and current data measures of the audiology profession are benchmarked against other healthcare professions, including side-by-side with speech-language pathology. The topics covered (workforce, wages, education and associated debt, doctoral degree expectations, doctoral degree scope of practice) will be used to create a dashboard comparision across healthcare professions. The dashboard results will be used to support a cost/benefit or return-on-investment analysis on the professions. The analysis will point to possible changes in Au.D. degree programs which may move the audiology profession toward an improved future.

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